Thursday, 7 May 2009

Sawtry News Team - READ ME!!!

Welcome fellow news reporters!

We need to start thinking about the first news story which the News Team will write. Our reports are going to be based around how ICT is used in Sawtry Community College - in lessons, outside of lessons, how it helps learning etc.

We can have filmed or written news stories, we could also have photojournalism. Because we need to ensure that we have consent from all students and staff who will be involved we need to plan our interviews out carefully.

Can you add a post about ideas you might have for news stories. What angles you might take, people you might interview, lessons you might want to go into and film/ observe etc. I am not saying that all requests will be granted, but all will be considered.

This will be own main port of contact so you need to ensure that you follow this blog and check it regularly for updates.

Get thinking and post something people!
Miss Rees. :)